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Thanks to the support of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Eunomics Inc. will participate in the "Future Commerce Expo", from April 18 to April 20, 2019, at the Taipei Expo Park (http://www.enexpopark.taipei/). Demonstrate a E-commerce price strategy support tool based on the development of the SaaS concept.
感謝工業技術研究院的支持,良知股份有限公司將參加「未來商務展」,於2019年4月18日至4月20日期間、台北圓山花博爭豔館 AX-1(經濟部商業司)展位,展示基於 SaaS概念發展的電子商務價格策略支援工具,歡迎大家一起來聊聊。

未來商務展,Future Commerce Expo:https://www.futurecommerce.tw/

When it comes to “Technology”, what comes to your mind first? Explanation is not enough, let’s experience it fully! Even with the rapid progress of technology, consumer is always the root to build the scene of real “Business World”. That’s why “Experience” is the core value of Future Commerce. Future Commerce Expo brings the diverse spheres in order to convey the connotation from industries, technical sides, and consumers.
面對智慧終端的全面普及,雲端技術的成熟, 5G商用落地,帶動 IoT完整布局。大數據蒐集結合人工智慧,邊緣運算啟動毫秒商機。區塊鏈創造真正去中心化商務體現環境、混合實境打造穿越全世界的真實體驗… 各式創新科技技術的穿針引線,帶來的不只國際化的競爭格局,更是商業想像邊際及空間的弭平,應用場景的革新! 2019年未來商務展以「Unlock the Limits」為主題,全面解鎖既定的概念;解鎖未知的商業想像,啟動創新變革;更要解鎖商業連結的可能性。

